Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Stuck In The Middle With You

** If you are from Kelley's Breakroom, this will be a re-run for you. Sorry no commercials, so you better go to the bathroom now. And thanks for reading it again. Posting for some friends who may have missed.

Okay so the mother of all my fears came to life today at work. Had to go into work early for a meeting, and we were relocating to another part of the building to continue the meeting. We stepped into the elevators that I hate, because they are older than the ones in the new wing. They go sooo slow, you can hardly tell if you are moving or not. I always make fun of them and say they are powered by fat hamsters. So, yup you guessed it. We got stuck.

This is absolutely awful for me, because beside the fact that I have a history of fainting, I am clostrophobic. So this is a lose-lose situation for me.

My fear is so great that I even have a plan should I ever get stuck in an elevator.

If I am by myself, I will push every damn button in there hoping something might happen. And if that fails then I will push that "Call Button" thing, and make the person on the other end stay on the line with me, like a 911 call, and have him or her pen out my will, should I plummet to my unforseen death. I am always sure to have some sort of candy or gum in my purse...I have to have something to eat. I'm pretty sure I should start permanently carrying ham or maybe jerky around with me.

If I am with another person, I will calmly pull out my elevator survial contract, hand it to the other person and be sure they read and sign it. I can't have someone stealing all my jerky or trying to pee in my designated pee corner, should we get trapped for a prolonged amount of time. They also need to know that the call button is mine, and I carry gel pen with me at all times as well, and those things are SHARP!!! I will cut you!

Panic instantly set in when I realized we were not moving. The lights stayed on...Thank God...but we were surely not moving, and I had just drank an ass load of coffee. Sadly, my plan did not include being in there with co-workers, nor did it include being in there with more than one person. There were five of us. Five of us and only four corners!! I am not sharing a pee corner! I instantly pushed the call button, I think I might have pulled someone's hair to get to it, I'm not sure. It's really all a blur. It rang and then I felt myself getting all cold and clammy.


I'm going down.

My initial instinct was to strip. I figured my nudity would distract my other prisoners from the fact that I was fainting. Just kidding. I only took off my extra sweater and jacket. Thank goodness I had shaved my armpits the night before or I would have been really hot.

Sweet Jesus.

How long have we been in here.

Where is my gel pen?

I started to feel like a Chilean miner. When were they going to start sending in provisions. That is why people die. They wait too long to send them supplies. I'm pretty sure we had already been in there a good two minutes. Someone else had gum, and I gladly took it. I am not letting my supply go to waste.

Someone said they had to pee, which instantly made me have to poop. I'm going to die.

People started to change the subject. I think I talked about Zumba, and how much I hate it, and then I had a conversation in my head with myself about whether or not I would be willing to eat my leather jacket, should it come down to it.

We're still in's been about 5 minutes now, and I'm positive my family doesn't remember what I look like. We could hear people on the other side, but I'm sure they were just laughing at us.

At about 8-10 minutes we were free. I instantly hugged the maintenance man who let us out. I smiled when I did it, because I was sure that CNN was going to be covering this.

They weren't.

So now I'm sure he thinks I like him. I wonder if he would clean my house?

Any ways, I'm free now. I survived. I vow to not make in fun of the hamsters anymore. But really I should vow to take the stairs. Thanks for listening.

I need to go work on my new elevator plan.

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